Triple Berry Sorbet

Triple Berry Sorbet

Frozen Blueberry (100g), Frozen Cranberry (100g), Frozen Raspberry (100g), Evaporated Milk (10g), Slice Banana (20g), Syrup (3g)
1. Defrost the frozen blueberries, cranberries, raspberries for 5 minutes  

Tagged: Frozen Treats
Sweet Potato Coconut Milk Smoothie

Sweet Potato Coconut Milk Smoothie

Add roasted almonds to a sweet potato and make a delicious smoothie. It’s a great well-being smoothie for children’s snacks and a quick breakfast.
Nut Pulp Energy Bar

Nut Pulp Energy Bar

2 cups nut pulp, 1 cup choice of dried fruits and roasted nuts*, 1 cup soft
dates 1/2 cup maple syrup or honey, 1/2 cup nut butter, 2 tsp vanilla extract, Pinch of salt
Tagged: Pulp Recipes